Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog Neglect!

Is there such a thing? Alright well last weekend I was home alone, no child, no husband! Here is a picture of the craftiness I engaged in that night.

I had this hankering for these butterscotch haystacks and as I was making them I thought hmm turkey bodies. Well here is the result. Pretty cute to give to the neighbor kids or as place settings I think.

Butterscotch Haystacks
1 - 11oz bag of butterscotch chips
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
10 oz. chowmein noodles
3 1/2 cup mini marshmallows

Microwave chips for 1-2 minutes until melted in a large bowl. Stir in peanut butter. Add noodles and marshmallows. Toss until coated and drop by tablespoon onto wax paper. Refrigerate until hardened.

For the turkey...
Cut out some "feathers" out of construction paper although real feathers would be cute too.
Wrap haystack in plastic wrap and glue or tape to feather arrangement.
Add pipe cleaner feet and make your cutest turkey face.


Emily said...

What a cute idea! And the cookies are easy enough to make for little chefs who want to cook along side of Mommy. Love it, gonna try it! By the way, I'm Cindy's friend Emily and I follow your blog. I Love to see what you come up with, Thanks for sharing all your great ideas.

Sarah said...

Alright I KNOW you are a good cook, and these look TOTALLY cute. However I don't know if I would eat a turkey with chow mien noodles.

Melodrama Mama said...

Too cute! I am going to have to knock these out with my kids!

Sarah said...

Steve says this looks like a turd turkey!

Jen said...

You amaze me! I would have just eaten the treats and had a nap. Hummmm... I agree with what your lolyal readers have posted. And I think the kids would love to make these as well. But we'll have to see, for them tends to be me demostrating and they get to watch:)